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Meet The Internet Marketing Pimp

Yo! Time to let me the world's sexiest Internet Marketing Guru into your life..

 The Groovy-Ass Pimp Machine
 Pimpin' Maximus

Its Pimp Marketing time! Yes, now you can have the most lusciously awesome guru, the most astonishingly good looking professor of pimpin'... your very own Pimp Daddy of marketing.

Join me on this journey of Pimpology as we take a peek and a poke at online marketing...

Read on if you dare to be a Pimpaholic...

So, here we are, you and me. I hope you're ready for a truly pimptastic experience as we dive into the pulsating heart of internet marketing madness!

(to be continued) Read more from the Occasionally Offensive Marketing Pimp if you dare...not for wimpy-ass folk!

"Pimpin' The Web 2.0 Like A Pro.
Slappin' Google Like My Ho!"

Mark Joyner

Mark Joyner is the author of The Irresistible Offer, a 210 page internet marketing book that describes how to create an offer so compelling, a prospective customer would have to be an idiot to refuse.

Joyner touches on USP (unique selling proposition) and traditional marketing methods, but then throws a curve ball by declaring these books don't go far enough in actual marketing formulas that work, they just cover marketing theory. Theory that any one with an MBA would happily sprout till the cows come home. But most business books (there are a few exceptions) fall way short of the actionable steps that Mark Joyner provides us in The Irresistible Offer.

So What Makes The Irresistible Offer Any Different From Any Of The Thousand Of Marketing Books Already Published?

In a nutshell: you follow these three steps...
  1. Create the irresistible offer
  2. Present it to a thirsty crowd
  3. Sell them a second glass
Obviously, there's more to it than that, and Joyner goes into detail throughout the book. An easy read, this informative book on marketing will have your head reeling with ideas. Joyner does tend to waffle on a heck of a lot and this is annoying because without all the filler and fluff, the book would most probably be half the size. Saving a ton of trees in the process.

This is not going to be everyone's cup of tea. When it was first published, The Irresistible Offer was launched with great fan fare and gusto. Internet Marketing Gurus like Joe Vitale jumped on the band wagon promoting this to their huge email lists. It's worth noting that Vitale is friends with Joyner and they happily joint venture their products.

But still, the book is worth a look, consider adding it to your marketing library today.

How To Be Wealthy (Wildly Wealthy FAST)

At first glance, the above title looks like a blurb for a Get Rich Quick scam. You need not worry though, because this is the title of Sandy Forster's excellent book on wealth creation.

Sandy's 222 page book is a powerful step-by-step guide to attract prosperity and success into your life today. Following in the tradition of Law OF Attraction classics such as Think And Grow Rich by Napolion Hill, Your Right To Riches by Colin P Sisson and of course the immortal: The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles.

Almost ever page of Forster's "How To Be Wildly Wealthy Fast" contains at least one gem. Page 41 has The Three Minute Money Marvel| Creating Your Millionaire Mindset on page 25 and Millionaire Plan (page 70) will really get you motivated to start earning more money.

So, if you have decided you want to make money (online or the traditional way) let this book be your guide to becoming rich and successful.

Alert: all the above books are now available on Amazon.